- Publisher
- Format
- Publisher's Editorial Staff 179
- Glen Weissenberger 9
- Susan L. Kay 8
- Aubrey B. Harwell Jr. 6
- Jack W. Robinson Jr. 6
- William T. Ramsey 6
- Andra J. Hedrick 3
- Jack W. Robinson 3
- Jeff Mobley 3
- June F. Entman 2
- Published Under the Direction of the Secretary of State 2
- Donald F. Paine 1
- E. Todd Presnell 1
- Janet Leach Richards 1
- Kristi W. Arth 1
- Neil P. Cohen 1
- Robert Banks 1
- Robert Banks, Jr. 1
- Ronnie R. Gipson, Jr. 1
- S. Dawn Coppock 1
- Sarah Y. Sheppeard 1
- Scott Childs 1
- Sibyl Marshall 1
- State Employers 1
- Susan Kay 1