Jury Instructions
- Publisher
- Format
- Judicial Council of California 30
- Publisher's Editorial Staff 18
- David E. Aaronson 16
- Jed S. Rakoff 11
- John S. Siffert 11
- Leonard B. Sand 11
- Model Jury Instructions Committee 11
- Steven A. Reiss 11
- Steven W. Allen 11
- Walter P. Loughlin 11
- Indiana Judges Association 10
- Donald G. Alexander 9
- Gus Beckstrom 9
- Daniel C. Pope 6
- The Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education 5
- Walter L. Murphy 5
- Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee of the Colorado Supreme Court 4
- Pattern Civil Jury Instructions Committee of the Colorado Supreme Court 4
- Jury Instructions Committee of the Ohio Judicial Conference 3
- Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions in Civil Cases 3
- Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Criminal Jury Instructions 2
- Criminal Instructions Committee of the Indiana Judges Association 2
- Keith R. Hamilton 2
- LexisNexis 2
- Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions in Criminal Cases 2